Q: How do I join the LGAC? What does it cost? What do I get?
A: The LGAC welcomes new members or former members whose membership has not been renewed because of address changes. LGAC memberships cost $45 per year for an individual or family. A tax receipt is provided. Please download the LGAC Membership & Donation Form. In addition to attending our social events, members receive our spring and fall Newsletters.
Q: I am interested in making a donation to for the Scholarship Programme. Is there a Scholarship Fund?
A: Yes, there is a Scholarship Fund that receives all designated Scholarship donations from individuals and corporate donors. Many LGAC members make a donation to LGAC Scholarships in addition to their regular membership dues.
Q: I understand that there is an attractive plan under the Income Tax Act for donating stocks. How does this work?
A: Yes there is such a plan. Please email the LGAC (admin@lgac.ca) for details.
Q: Can I pay my membership fees online? Can I make a donation to the LGAC online?
A: Yes. You can safely make a payment online through Canada Helps, an online fundraising service for Canadian charity organizations.
Q: Can I submit or update my address, email, and personal information online?
A: Yes. You can do so by simply filling out this form: “Address Change Form”.
Q: How can I include the LGAC in my will?
A: Estate planning is one way of ensuring that your legacy will benefit others in the future. The LGAC has been the fortunate recipient of past bequests that have made a real difference in our ability to fund the Scholarship Programme, as well as a variety of special projects. If it were your wish, the LGAC would be pleased to accept such donations. If you would like to talk to someone concerning how your wishes could be carried out, please contact the Chair of the LGAC.
Q: What are the guidelines or other requirements for donations of securities to the LGAC?
A: Please email the LGAC (admin@lgac.ca) for details.
If you are trying to contact a person whom you believe is a LGAC member, please email us (admin@lgac.ca) with the name of the person you wish to contact and your own address. The LGAC will provide this information to the designated person (assuming that the LGAC has a contact address itself). The designated person will then be able to contact you. If the LGAC does not have a contact address, we will advise you.
LGAC financial statements are available here.